Hi Chris,

> Anyone else help me identify the issue? Thanks.

Have you tried with a minimal org configuration?  I tried and cannot
reproduce the problem.  That suggests something else in your org
configuration as the culprit.

I have attached your example TODO (habit) as henderson-habit.org.
Update the paths as appropriate in the attached minimal-org.el, then
star emacs with it and see what happens for you.

emacs -Q -l minimal-org.el

After issuing M-x org-agenda a, I get an agenda with a consistency graph.


* TODO exercise
  SCHEDULED: <2013-12-03 Tue .+1d>
  - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2013-12-02 Mon 17:31]
  - State "DONE"       from "TODO"       [2013-12-02 Mon 17:30]
  :LAST_REPEAT: [2013-12-02 Mon 17:31]
  :STYLE:    habit

Attachment: minimal-org.el
Description: application/emacs-lisp

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