Hello Alan,

Alan Schmitt wrote:
> I tried to apply the drawer trick to the :wrap src but it does not work,
> unfortunately. I like your approach better anyway as it allows me to specify
> not only the language used by the output source block, but other properties
> (such as whether it should be evaluated) which wrap does not let me do.

Not sure this is true. Look at the following tricky example from my slides for
the "stage LaTeX de Dunkerque 2013" [1]:

#+begin_src org :results latex replace :wrap "SRC latex :exports code" :exports 

It does eval as:

#+BEGIN_SRC latex :exports code
\item Premier élément
\item Niveau plus profond
\item Autre élément
\item Dernier élément

which in turn evals (for the export) into the results:

\item Premier élément
\item Niveau plus profond
\item Autre élément
\item Dernier élément

So, you definitely can pass extra options to the wrap header argument...

Best regards,

[1] See http://www.slideshare.net/fniessen/org-modelatexexport or

Fabrice Niessen
Leuven, Belgium

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