On Dec 5, 2013 4:35 AM, "Sebastien Vauban" <sva-n...@mygooglest.com> wrote:
> #+TITLE:     ECM Process Coding System
> #+PROPERTY:  eval yes
> #+PROPERTY:  exports both
> #+PROPERTY:  cache no
> * Problem
>   I can't write accents in graphic titles (nor legends).
> * Settings
>   After Googling (a lot), I always come back to the same set of solutions:
>   - Adding the following in my ~.emacs~ file:
>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>     (setq process-coding-system-alist '(("R.*" . utf-8-unix)))
>     #+end_src
>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>     (add-hook 'ess-R-post-run-hook
>               (lambda () (set-buffer-process-coding-system
>                           'utf-8-unix 'utf-8-unix)))
>     #+end_src
>   - Setting the process coding system in the =*R*= buffer:
>     #+begin_src emacs-lisp
>     M-x set-buffer-process-coding-system RET utf-8-unix RET utf-8-unix RET
>     #+end_src
>   None of those does work for me, from an Org file...
> * Example
> ** Text
>    Print a string does always work, in the Org buffer, and in the export.
>    #+begin_src R
>    print("Élève")
>    #+end_src
>    #+results:
>    : Élève
> ** Graph
>    But adding a title with accents never does:
>    #+header: :file ecm-R-coding-system.png
>    #+begin_src R :results graphics :width 240 :height 240
>    x <- 0:12
>    plot(sin(x/2))
>    title("Élève")
>    #+end_src
>    #+results:
>    [[file:ecm-R-coding-system.png]]
> * Observations
>   You can see a demo of (some of) the tests I made on
>   http://screencast.com/t/7Nz87zuqiz.
>   Maybe the problem is not related neither to Org, nor ESS, as I see that
>   =sessionInfo()= outputs French stuff.
> Maybe some of the R users here could share their experience with the
> system" configuration?

Can you do it straight from R? Might be a better place to start? If not,
I'd look into that first to avoid googling org and ESS stuff in vain!


> Best regards,
>   Seb
> --
> Sebastien Vauban

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