Dear All,

I have following latex src block (see bellow), which I'd like to use to
generate box. When I press C-c C-c and execute the block, it does
exactly what is wanted, i.e. generates cps_fbct_box_btp10.pdf file with
some fancy graphics. The problem is, that I've found, that resulting PDF
graphics does not have expected dimensions. Tracing that back I've
found, that I have to use


and not 


as is generated by execution of the src block. Now, I have tried
everything I know to generate tex file out of this thing, which would
modify the default (no) options to include a4 paper. Nothing works.

#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [a4paper,twoside,twocolumn]
in front of src block does not include these options into resulting Tex

Adding 'second' document class in :headers does not work either as latex
is complaining that I have specified two classes.

How can I setup the src block such, that it will generate for me in the
latex preamble article class with a4paper option?

many thanks


*** Prepare front panel to be sticked on each FBCT
Each FBCT is equipped with a sticker, which is sticked on the FR4 box
with connectors. This identifies which of the connectors is FBCT
output and which of them is calibration input. It adds information
about what FBCT is it and who is responsible (me).

Script to generate it:
#+begin_src latex :file cps_fbct_box_btp10.pdf :headers '("\\usepackage{tikz}" 
\newcommand{\fbct}{BTP-BCT10 (\#3044)}
\draw (0,0) -- (136mm,0) -- (136mm,80mm) -- (0,80mm) -- (0,0);
% two main holes
\draw (40mm,40mm) circle (8.5mm);
\draw (96mm,40mm) circle (8.5mm);
% screws around holes for first connector 
\draw (30.85mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
\draw (49.15mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
\draw (30.85mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
\draw (49.15mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
% screws around holes for second connector
\draw (86.85mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
\draw (105.15mm,30.85mm) circle (1.65mm);
\draw (86.85mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
\draw (105.15mm,49.15mm) circle (1.65mm);
% holes around the box
\draw (4mm,4mm) circle (1.75mm);
\draw (132mm,4mm) circle (1.75mm);
\draw (132mm,76mm) circle (1.75mm);
\draw (4mm,76mm) circle (1.75mm);
% text messages
\node[color=red,text width=4cm,align=center] at (4cm,1.5cm)
{\LARGE\texttt{Calibration input}};
\node[color=blue,text width=3cm,align=center] at (96mm,1.5cm)
{\LARGE\texttt{FBCT output}};
\node[color=black,text width=120mm,align=center] at (68mm,7cm)
{\Huge \texttt{\textbf{\fbct}}};
\node[color=black,text width=120mm,align=center] at (68mm,6.3cm)
{Resp: \textbf{David Belohrad} 



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