Joseph Vidal-Rosset <> writes:

> Dear Eric (cc. the list),
> I apologize to insist with this problem that I meet with org-mime-htmize in 
> the gnus on my PC. 
> On my laptop, with the same OS and I believe the same configuration, it runs 
> perfectly. Here I meet always this sort of message: 
> Creating LaTeX Image...
> Failed to create dvi file from /tmp/orgtex11506Npy.tex
> Auto-saving...
> I have tried to run latex /tmp/orgtex11506Npy.tex - as adviced Nick -  and 
> the dvi file was created. 
> I  understand neither what happens nor how I can fix this problem. Do you see 
>  an possible explanation ? 

Not enough information: post the procedure you follow and a minimal org
file that exhibits the problem.


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