I have encountered the following error message when trying to export
to latex the attached example org file:

org-element-footnote-definition-parser: Invalid search bound (wrong
side of point)

What is curious is that changing the number of "xxxx"'s in [fn:1] to 2
instead of 3 allows it to compile.  Likewise, just changing the number
of 'words' in the second macro (5th column of the table) also can
eliminate the error and allow the document to compile.  Also, getting
rid of the #+BEGIN line also allows it to compile...

I have omitted the tree which contains data for generating the table,
which isn't relevant for reproducing the error / bug.  All of the
above comments are based on using git rev. 95416856 (Dec 26).

I also recently updated to d310a87605 (Jan 8), and instead get the error:

byte-code: Wrong number of arguments: #[(tree data) ...[binary
omitted]... [tree cl-struct-avl-tree--tags data avl-tree--do-delete 0
error "avl-tree--cmpfun accessing a non-avl-tree-" 2
"avl-tree--dummyroot accessing a non-avl-tree-" 1] 5
("/usr/share/emacs/23.3/lisp/emacs-lisp/avl-tree.elc" . 14229)], 4

Is there something wrong with my org-file? -- it seems like it
shouldn't be so hard to get it to compile, and that the errors
shouldn't be so obscure.


* Schedule
#+LATEX: {}\begin{landscape}
xxxxx xxxxx xxxxxx.
#+BEGIN: propview :id "sched_table" :defaultval "" :conds ((not (string= A ""))) :cols (A B C D E) :noquote t :colnames ("xxxx x" xxx "xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx" "xxxxxxxx[fn:1]" "xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx / xxxxxxxx[fn:2]")
#+ATTR_LaTeX: :environment longtable :align lllp{3cm}l
| xxxx x | xxx | xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx      | xxxxxxxx[fn:1] | xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxx / xxxxxxxx[fn:2]             |
|      x | x   | xxxx {{{c(xxxxxxx)}}} |          xxxxx | xxxxx {{{c(xxx xxxxxx xxxxx xxx)}}} |
#+LATEX: \end{landscape}

[fn:1] xxxx xxxx xxxx
[fn:2] xx xx 

* File Options                                                      :ARCHIVE:
** Export
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[margin=0.75in]{geometry}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \setlength{\marginparwidth}{1cm}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage{lscape}
#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
#+OPTIONS: arch:nil
#+OPTIONS: ^:{}
** Macros
#+MACRO: c 

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