Hi Aric,

Aric <aorc...@mac.com> writes:

> I apologize for the sudden flurry of postings, but I am finding some great 
> solutions within Org. 
> I have very happily managed to find the more recent references to babel 
> latex and tikz figures with the imagemagick conversion, and this works 
> absolutely beautifully within the Org mode buffer. 
> I have not been successful in exporting the image (html or odt) however. I 
> can export it if I create a link to the generated png image, rather than 
> leaving it to the results section like I can with latex. Here is an example:
> Working R:
> #+name: fig:bplotil8staph
> #+headers: :results graphics :file /somewhereelse/bplotil8staph.png
> #+begin_src R 
> bwplot(il.8 ~ impression,....)
> #+end_src
> #+CAPTION: Plot demonstrating significantly increased IL-8 levels during /S. 
> aureus/ pneumonia as compared to colonization. 
> #+RESULTS: bplotil8staph
> [[file:/somewhereelse/bplotil8staph.png]]
> Note that this link is generated by the R output and I can see the image 
> along with the caption in both Org buffer and exported files. 
> Not working so well LaTeX:
> #+name: fig:markovdesc
> #+headers: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -
> geometry 800 
> #+headers: :file /somewhereelse/plot_markovModel.png :fit yes
> #+begin_src latex  :buffer no :packages '(("" "tikz")) 
> \usetikzlibrary{shadows,arrows,automata,decorations.text,shapes,snakes,fit}
> \tikzstyle{ball} = [circle,shading=ball,minimum size=1cm] 
> \begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=4.2cm]
>   \tikzstyle{everystate}=[draw=black,thick,scale=1,align=center]
>   \node [state,initial,text width=4em,align=center,ball,text=black,ball 
> color=green!70!black,drop shadow] (A)                {{\small Post-
> Transplant State 1}};
>   \node [state,align=center,text width=4em,ball,text=black,ball 
> color=purple!70,drop shadow]              (B)  [right of=A]  {{\small BOS 
> ~~~State 2}};
>     \path (A) edge [bend left] node[above]   {{\small $\lambda_{12}(t)$ 
> Covariates~$HR_{12}$}} (B);
>   \node[state,align=center,text width=4em,ball,text=black,ball 
> color=blue!50,drop shadow]                (C)  [below=2.6cm,right=1cm] 
> {{\small Death ~~~State 3}};
>     \path (A) edge [] node[left] {{\small $\lambda_{13}(t)$ 
> Covariates~$HR_{13}$}} (C);
>     \path (B) edge [] node[right] {{\small $\lambda_{23}(t)$ 
> Covariates~$HR_{23}$}} (C);
> \end{tikzpicture}
> #+end_src
> #+CAPTION: Basic idea of the model demonstrating the transition states. 
> #+RESULTS: fig:markovdesc
> [[file:/fitz/Rworkarea/gnr/new_work/staph/plot_markovModel.png]]
> #+END_LaTeX
> For the LaTeX there is no image in the exported buffers and the in-text link 
> to the image is not active at all. Things only work for latex tikz in the 
> Org buffer. 
> What am I doing wrong? Or do I need to create a manual link to the file?
> Thanks so much for suggestions. 
> aric

Works for me if I add ':results raw file'.  Not sure, this is the
'official' solution, though.

Here is the complete example, that works for me:
--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---
#+name: fig:markovdesc
#+headers: :imagemagick yes :iminoptions -density 600 :imoutoptions -geometry 
#+headers: :file ~/tmp/plot_markovModel.png :fit yes
#+headers: :results raw file
#+begin_src latex  :buffer no :packages '(("" "tikz")) 
\tikzstyle{ball} = [circle,shading=ball,minimum size=1cm] 
\begin{tikzpicture}[->,>=stealth',shorten >=1pt,auto,node distance=4.2cm]
  \node [state,initial,text width=4em,align=center,ball,text=black,ball 
color=green!70!black,drop shadow] (A)                {{\small Post-
Transplant State 1}};
  \node [state,align=center,text width=4em,ball,text=black,ball 
color=purple!70,drop shadow]              (B)  [right of=A]  {{\small BOS 
~~~State 2}};
    \path (A) edge [bend left] node[above]   {{\small $\lambda_{12}(t)$ 
Covariates~$HR_{12}$}} (B);
  \node[state,align=center,text width=4em,ball,text=black,ball 
color=blue!50,drop shadow]                (C)  [below=2.6cm,right=1cm] 
{{\small Death ~~~State 3}};
    \path (A) edge [] node[left] {{\small $\lambda_{13}(t)$ 
Covariates~$HR_{13}$}} (C);
    \path (B) edge [] node[right] {{\small $\lambda_{23}(t)$ 
Covariates~$HR_{23}$}} (C);

#+CAPTION: Basic idea of the model demonstrating the transition states. 
#+RESULTS: fig:markovdesc
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---


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