Ken Mankoff <> writes:

> I'm now trying to get ODT w/ references and failing.

Show me a snippet that causes the problem.  You can COMMENT a tree or
add a :no-export tag to bisect.  Or you copy can copy over a subtree and
experiment with it.

> The message I get is:
> OpenDocument export failed: Format specifier doesn't match argument
> type

Difficult to say where it is coming from.

> I did the following based on your instructions and some guessing.
> 1) I put ox-odt.el and ox-jabref.el and etc/schema and etc/styles in
> my ~/emacs.d/elpa/org-2014017 folder. Some of that involved
> overwriting existing files.

At the minimum you may have to

  M-x byte-compile-file ox-odt.el

and may be fix regenerate autoloads.  See the recipe at the end of this
message for a cumbersome but a fool proof method.

> 2) I downloaded JabRef application (I'm on OS X), and copied the JAR
> file from inside it into your unit test folder. I ran "java -jar
> jabref" and opened MyLibrary.bib with the program and saved it. I did
> this because I assume I have to tell JabRef about the bib file?

You need to install the Chicago jar file which contain the *.layout file
that JabRef needs.

>From the command line look at the output formats that JabRef reports.
You should see ODF there.

Do M-x find-library ox-jabref.el and follow the instructions there.

ODT exporter has it's own citaion mechanism and doesn't depend on

> If I export to HTML, I do see all the equations, despite the MathToWeb
> error.

HTML uses MathJax while ODT uses MathToWeb. Two different things.

Look at

    M-x org-export-as-odf-TAB

for checking against simple latex equations.

Check if the latex equations are png files or something else.

> If I export to ODT, emacs reports
> OpenDocument export failed: Format specifier doesn't match argument
> type
> I notice at the top of your file the following line:
> #+ODT_STYLES_FILE: "~/list-table-1.odt"

You can extract the relevant sections from and experiment
with the excerpts.

> But I cannot find a list-table-1.odt anywhere in the unit test ZIP
> file or in your org-mode git repo (which I cloned, but elsewhere and
> then copied the files from there to my org-mode elpa repo).

One thing you could do is this

1. Download org-*.tar file with wget or firefox.
2. Untar it.
3. Replace ox-odt.el, the style files and copy over the ox-jabref.el
4. Re-create the tar file (with the new files).
5. Do

       M-x package-install-file

   to install the new elpa.

> Any hints about where I took a wrong step will be appreciated.
> Thanks,
>   -k.

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