On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 12:09 PM, Eric Schulte <schulte.e...@gmail.com> wrote:
> A non-Org announcement which I believe may still be of interest given
> the recurring discussion of ways to serve Org-mode files as web pages.
> I've written an Emacs web-server [1], which may be used to interact with
> Org-mode over HTTP.  It has no dependencies aside from needing Emacs 24
> or later and it should be easy to install and use [2].
> Three simple examples of how it may be used with Org-mode include;
> 1. web server which exports Org files on demand [3],
> 2. an export *service* [4] which allows users to upload Org-mode files
>    and then download exported versions, or
> 3. simply a way to serve your daily agenda as a web page [5].

This sounds really, really cool!

> I've ported the Org-ehtml editable Org-mode Wiki [6] from Elnode to this
> new web-server, and I now find that it is both easier to install, and is
> more stable, and faster [7].  I know that Elnode setup had been a
> barrier to some users of org-ehtml, hopefully that barrier is now
> removed.
> I hope this is of interest and not too far off topic.

The "Hello world" example worked splendidly for me out of the box. I'm
having a bit of difficulty with serving up a file via this example:

Perhaps I don't understand how the function is supposed to work... It
says that the docroot is the current working directory in the example,
so I cd'd to a directory with an .html file in it, started `emacs -Q`
from the command line, ran `M-x load-file RET ~/.emacs`, and then
evaluated the code from the example in the *scratch* buffer. I'm
getting the 404 error. Should I be modifying that code somehow?

Thanks and great work -- this is really neat!

> Best,
> Footnotes:
> [1]  https://github.com/eschulte/emacs-web-server
> [2]  http://eschulte.github.io/emacs-web-server/tutorials/#sec-1
> [3]  
> http://eschulte.github.io/emacs-web-server/Org_002dmode-Export.html#Org_002dmode-Export
> [4]  
> https://github.com/eschulte/emacs-web-server/blob/master/examples/013-org-export-service.el
> [5]  
> https://github.com/eschulte/emacs-web-server/blob/master/examples/011-org-agenda.el
> [6]  https://github.com/eschulte/org-ehtml
> [7]  http://eschulte.github.io/emacs-web-server/benchmark/
> --
> Eric Schulte
> https://cs.unm.edu/~eschulte
> PGP: 0x614CA05D

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