
Got a question that's not easy to search online.

I want to use an org table to define glossary entries for LaTeX. I have my table[1], and I have a src block[2] that reads the table and produces the right syntax[3]. This is already pretty helpful -- I can C-c C-c the source block and manually copy/paste the generated syntax into the org file that I will then export.
But... I want babel to do that for me automatically. I'm almost there, but:

The resulting string is put into a verbatim environment -- which is not right for this case. I need the string to be inserted as if it were org syntax ("#+LATEX_HEADER" and all) that I typed by hand, and then ox-latex would process it like any other LaTeX header.

I've tried both ":results value" and ": results output" but the verbatim environment is always there.

A quick glance at ob-core.el seems to indicate that this behavior is hardcoded. That's... frustrating: spend 2-3 hours to get this far and then find that babel says, "No, you can't do that, actually."

So, I'm at the end of the energy I have left to test various approaches. What's the best approach? I'm guessing, apply a filter to remove the begin/end verbatim lines. But maybe there's a magic switch in babel?

For reference:

[1] input file, nearly minimal example
[2] actual result of C-c C-e l L (removing preamble)
[3] desired result


* UGens   :noexport:
#+name: ugens01
| Type | Term     | Description         | Arguments   |
| Osc  | SinOsc   | Sinewave oscillator | freq, phase |

#+name: makegloss
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :var tbl=ugens01 :exports results :results value
(let ((str ""))
 (pop tbl)
 (pop tbl)
 (while tbl
   (let ((item (car tbl)))
     (pop item)
(setq str (concat str (format "\\newglossaryentry{%s}{type=ugen,name={%s},description={%s. Inputs: (%s)}}\n"
                   (car item)
                   (pop item)
                   (pop item)
                   (car item))))
     (setq tbl (cdr tbl))))

* Test
#+call: makegloss
#+results: makegloss

\newglossaryentry{SinOsc}{type=ugen,name={SinOsc},description={Sinewave oscillator. Inputs: (freq, phase)}}

\newglossaryentry{SinOsc}{type=ugen,name={SinOsc},description={Sinewave oscillator. Inputs: (freq, phase)}}

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