I just re-watched the Carsten Google Tech Talk from 2008. He explains that Org was created as a hybrid note taker and TODO list, and that the TODOs should be embedded in the text. This leads me to a strange situation and I hope list members can explain how they deal with it.

* ONE: Sometimes I have as section of text as I take notes.

** TWO: And under that subsections

   A And there there are multiple paragraphs of text like this.

   B And like this.

C And if one of these becomes an item that should be turned into a TODO item, how do I best do this?

For example, if "B" needs to be a TODO item, I could set it equal to TWO (subsection) like so: "** TODO B" or keep it in its current area under TWO (subsubsection) like so "*** TODO B".

The first doesn't make sense because I've elevated the notes under "** TWO" to be equal to it. The second option makes sense, but the problem is now that "C" is suddenly contained in "B" because there is no way to signal that the subsubsection "B" has ended and further text is in its original level of under subsection TWO.

I could go through and make A, B, and C all subsubsections, but now I need to make up titles for each paragraph of text under "TWO".

Perhaps the best-practice is what I wrote last - not paragraphs of text, but each paragraph is its own sub(sub(sub))section with as summary title. Is this what others do? Any other advice how do deal with this?



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