John Kitchin <> writes:

> I got icicles via ELPA. The version from describe-package is
> Version: 20140118.1856. although in icicles.el it says ;; Version:
> 2013.07.23.

That is the current version. 
Icicles isn't only icicle.el, Drew has actually a whole bunch of 
elisp addon packages. Some I use, some I don't.

> Thanks for the tip about the binding variable. I am content with this
> in my init file:
> (require 'icicles)
> ;; reclaim C-c ' for org-mode
> (setq icicle-top-level-key-bindings
>      (remove '("^C'" icicle-occur t) icicle-top-level-key-bindings))
> (icy-mode 1)
> which seems to get me back the org-binding. 

Okay. As I said, I found this the only one conflicting with org (or
other packages). Just remember to require icicles at the very end of
your config, and everything should work. 

> Is there a convenient way to update icicles from emacs?

I use icicles-install.el, which simply downloads files from emacswiki
and optionally byte compiles them. AFAIK, that is still the "main" repo,
I wasn't aware of the elpa package, good to know.

If you are interested, I changed some keybindings, see:

in Section Icicles.

Essential for me are these changes to the icicle completion keymap:

  ;; C-o is next to C-i. S-Tab doesn't work on tty.
  (define-key map "\C-o" 'icicle-apropos-complete)      ; S-Tab
  ;; Narrowing is isearch in a sense. C-s in minibuffer is rarely
  ;; used. M-* is a horror to type for something I use so often.
  (define-key map "\C-s" 'icicle-narrow-candidates)     ; M-*
  ;; History search is isearch-backward chronologically:-)
  (define-key map "\C-r" 'icicle-history)               ; M-h
  ; again, tty friendly version.
  (define-key map "\C-t" 'icicle-help-on-candidate) ; C-M-RET

With that 4 bindings adjusted, icicles is really fun to use.

Takes some time getting used to, but I think it is worth it.

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