Sharon Kimble <> writes:

> When pasting from an article on the web into an org-mode buffer, I
> start with - 
> "In today’s digital age, we are needing more and more passwords to
> secure our data and our identity."
> and its displayed in the buffer as -
> "In todayâ\200\231s digital age, we are needing more and more passwords
> to secure our data and our identity."

Is your org-mode buffer in UTF-8 (does it show a U at the left end of
the modeline)? I would expect this behavior only when the org-mode
buffer is in some 7- or 8-bit mode (ASCII or iso-8859-1).

The apostrophe above is a "typographic apostrophe" (Unicode U+2019).
If I copy the "today’s" part from above into a file foo.txt and I open
the file in emacs using UTF-8 as the coding system, it shows as an
apostrophe. If I open it using iso-8859-1, it shows as "todayâ\200\231s".

If I look at the file with a binary editor (od -c on Linux) I get:

| $ od -c apostrophe-utf8.txt 
| 0000000   t   o   d   a   y 342 200 231   s  \n
| 0000012

So it's probably just encoding confusion between the different programs that you

> I'm using 'simpleclip' which allows me to use 'super-c
> simpleclip-copy' as the keybinding.
> In my .emacs I have -
> (setq selection-coding-system 'utf-8)
> (prefer-coding-system 'utf-8)
> (setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)
> with 'LANG=en_GB.UTF-8' being the first line in my locale settings. 
> How do I get it please that it pastes correctly from the desktop
> clipboard, and how do I get what is already pasted, and shows the
> aberrant behaviour, corrected please?

If you just open the file in UTF-8, does the ugliness go away?


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