Benjamin Slade <> writes:

> One potential solution would be an orgmode setup which produces
> borderless tables with an "optimal width" column setting. I don't know
> how to do this in orgmode though (or if it can be done currently).

This feature is available only in my private repo.  


If you are using Git see instructions at:

   (Search for "Download")

Once you download and copy the ox-odt.el file, make sure you do

    M-x byte-compile-file

to create .elc file.


If you are using ELPA see instructions at:

    (Search for "Untar")


1. Identity where your styles files come from.  Look at the *Messages*
   buffer for clue.

2. Open OrgOdtContentTemplate.xml and find a style named
"CustomTableCell".  Edit it so that it has no borders.

Replace this

    <style:style style:name="CustomTableCell" style:family="table-cell">
      <style:table-cell-properties style:vertical-align="top" 
fo:background-color="#ffffff" fo:padding="0.097cm" fo:border-left="0.002cm 
solid #000000" fo:border-right="0.002cm solid #000000" fo:border-top="0.002cm 
solid #000000" fo:border-bottom="0.002cm solid #000000">

with this:

    <style:style style:name="CustomTableCell" style:family="table-cell">
      <style:table-cell-properties style:vertical-align="top"
      fo:background-color="#ffffff" fo:padding="0.097cm">

3. Create a tables as below.  ("GriddedTable" is part of C-h v
   `org-odt-table-styles').  WARNING: Don't try to understand the
   documentation.  I don't it understand it myself.

--8<---------------cut here---------------start------------->8---

Rows will be in the ratio of 2:3:4

#+ATTR_ODT: :style "GriddedTable"
| <1> | <2> | <3> |
| _a_ | _b_ | _c_ |
| _d_ | _e_ | _f_ |

Rows will be in the ratio of 4:7:10.  Table will occupy 80% of page width.

#+ATTR_ODT: :rel-width 80
#+ATTR_ODT: :widths 3,6,9
#+ATTR_ODT: :style "GriddedTable"
| <1> | <2> | <3> |
| _a_ | _b_ | _c_ |
| _d_ | _e_ | _f_ |

--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---

4. Export it.  You will get the attached ODT file.

Attachment: test.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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