Le jeu.  23 janv. 2014  à 01:18:35 ,  Bastien <b...@gnu.org> a  envoyé ce
> Hi Joseph,
> Joseph Vidal-Rosset <joseph.vidal.ros...@gmail.com> writes:
>> I am not reluctant to learn the org-syntax, but I need help.
> Then we need to know more on how to help you :)
> If you want multi-columns Org tables, alas, that's not
> supported.

Many thanks Bastien  for your quick reply.  The best for me  would be to
use the  LaTeX syntax with  tabular, multicol ,  ect. and to  succeed in
html export too. But 
with in the headers the following line: 

#+STYLE: <SCRIPT SRC="/usr/share/jsmath/easy/load.js"></SCRIPT>

and in the .tex file the following code:

\multicolumn{2}{c}{$ ((p \to q) \to p) \to p $} \\
$ ((\bot \to q) \to \bot) \to \bot $ & $ ((\top \to q) \to \top) \to \top $ \\
$ (\top \to \bot) \to \bot $ & $ \top $ \\
$ \neg \neg \top $ & \\
$ \top $ &   \\

I get in iceweasel (i.e. the Firefox of Debian): 

Unknown environment "center" 
Unknown environment "tabular"


I have also tried to use imagemagick, it does not work correctly... 

Again, thanks for your kind help. 


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