Actually, I might like to have a "knowledge base" article-style help
system, each entry generated by org mode as a single web page, the search
engine utilizing Google custom search engine just for my help site. Isn't
this what WORG is doing?

On Fri, Jan 24, 2014 at 2:14 PM, John Hendy <> wrote:

> On Jan 24, 2014 12:59 PM, "von Hercynius" <>
> wrote:
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm at a business that wants to create an on-line help system in order
> to describe all their daily practices. I'm suggesting org mode at the tool.
> I'm an org mode beginner, but as I understand I can create knowledge base
> entries or issues or help topic entries as individual files. These topic
> entry/Help KB files can contain ample tag/keywords in order to effectively
> queried by "the agenda" search engine. Am I correct so far? Also, has
> anyone tried this before; any examples out there of an on-line help system
> with an index/search capability?
> >
> Sounds like what worg is, at least to some degree (an org based wiki/web
> site).
> -
> Stack overflow also comes to mind as something to look at. It supports q &
> a as week as predictive answer suggestions when you go to create a new
> question.
> It might help if you submitted a sort of sketch of what you're looking to
> do, such as general structure, if it will be pre-populated only or feature
> user generated content, etc.
> That might help others to chime in with suggestions.
> John
> > Bottorff
> > North Shore Minnesota

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