Hi Bastien,

Thank you for commenting and providing a clue.

If I understand correctly, I don't see the need for any error or
asking again, as it is always obvious what I, at least, want to do.
It shows an olpath, so what I want is to refile or goto that olpath in
every case.

I also don't see the need for a distinction between this file and not
this file.  I never care what file I am in when I refile or goto.


It is the default Ido selection (after typing "emacs") that errors,
which seems like an indication that we need a different solution.  In
other cases, the default Ido selection always misfiles with no error
(ECM similar to the thread leader message but without an error).
Thus, you end up with stuff in the wrong place, silently.  And in a
third case, it silently fails.  So you think you refiled but you did

All three bugs happen quite frequently.  Error, misfile, or silently
doing nothing.


If the distinction between current file and non-current file is the
reason, can we make it consistent by adding the filename for the same
buffer also?  That way all choices are equivalent.

I find it confusing, as I never care what file I am in when I refile
or goto.  I don't think of Org as a single-file tree, but as a forest
of equal trees.  To have to think about "this is the same file" and
"no, I am going to a different file" interrupts the refile for me; I
never make that distinction.

org-refile-use-outline-path set to file or full file path seems to not
affect the result.


Perhaps somebody else who uses Ido refiling can test the thread leader
case (/computer/emacs/myorg, refile to "myorg", try to refile to
"emacs") and comment?


Are you talking about 2 olpaths pointing to different files?  I never
have that use case, because I always show the olpath and never repeat

But what does happen is that I get one olpath that causes an error and
another that does not.  And the one that causes the error is always
the Ido default, so I can't press RET.


Is what shows the same as what is used to disambiguate?  Can we have
the full path name + olpath in Lisp and only show the olpath?  That
would be ideal.

I wanted to make this message shorter, but this is the best I was able to do.



On 1/26/14, Bastien <b...@gnu.org> wrote:
> Samuel Wales <samolog...@gmail.com> writes:
>> When I run refile goto in the same buffer, it goes to the correct
>> location and then does that.  When I run refile goto in a different
>> buffer, it does not go anywhere and it does that.
> Because for now you need to add the file name when refiling to
> a different buffer.
> I agree we should provide a better error, or just ask again.
> I don't see how to remove the need for the file name though.
> Taking into account that several buffers may contain subtrees
> with the same headline.
> If you have any idea, please let us know.
> --
>  Bastien

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