
I'm using orgmode 8.2.5g and I see a small bug (?) with the cursive
/.../ when the text goes over 2 lines, that is, for instance 3 lines:

JÜTTE, Robert: /Obrigkeitliche Armenfürsorge in deutschen
Reichsstädten der Frühen Neuzeit: Städtisches Armenwesen in Frankfurt
am Main und Köln/ (Köln: Böhlau, 1984).

At least in my emacs I don't see any mark of cursive. And for instance
it is not being exported as cursive to ODT, latex, etc.

many thanks in advance!

:: Igor Sosa Mayor     :: joseleopoldo1...@gmail.com ::
:: GnuPG: 0x1C1E2890   :: http://www.gnupg.org/      ::
:: jabberid: rogorido  ::                            ::

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