Nick Daly <> writes:

> Hi Bastien,
>> Nick Daly wrote:
>>> Hi folks, I have a situation where I have many named code snippets
>>> currently available in external files, and would like to tangle them
>>> into an Org mode file.
> Bastien writes:
>> I'm not the one who would undertake this, so my opinion on this should
>> not matter much... but I think #+INCLUDE is well suited for exporting,
>> not for tangling.  I'm not able to say why, this is just an intuition.
> It seems to me like it's trying to unify exporting and tangling: this
> emphasizes that tangling is just another (very specific plain-text) form
> of exporting.

I'm not sure tangling is naturally an exporting procedure (unlike
weaving which is exactly exporting).  Either way re-implementing
tangling inside of the exporting seems like a large amount of work with
little payoff (unless there are other export features which I'm missing
which would be useful for tangling).

> Using Eric's function for exporting allows me to remove lots of
> boilerplate code from the source org file and keep the org source
> better focused on the code's function and structure.



> Sure it's weird, but it sure is handy.
> Nick

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D

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