Hello to the list, my first message here.

This is in regards to code blocks in the Clojure language.

The problem is that the results inserted into the org document should be
tabularized.  This is not happening using the latest version of org.
Here is the simplest possible example:

#+begin_src clojure :results value raw
[1 2 3 4]

[1 2 3 4]

The result block is not tabularized.
In an older system, the result block is properly changed to an org

| 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |

Here is a comparison of the systems, old and new, which produced the
above results:

Platform        Old     New
emacs           24.3.1  24.3.1
Leiningen       2.3.4   2.3.4
Java            1.7._51 1.6.0_27   
(both are OpenJDK 64 bit server VM)
org             7.9     8.2.4

Old REPL: nrepl 0.1.8-preview   
New REPL: cider 0.6.0alpha

The only thing strange I discovered about my new system is that it is
using an older version of Java than the old system.


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