Le 28/01/2014 15:00, Benoit Bayol a écrit :
> Hello everyone :)
> I have a problem that I cannot fix when compiling a C++ source block.
> My code block use several libraries and especially one named
> libarmadillo.dylib which is installed in a non-default place.
> My code compiles well in the buffer shell of emacs with :
> g++ -I/Users/benoitbayol/libs/include
> /Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib/libboost_system.a
> /Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib/libboost_chrono.a
> /Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib/libboost_thread.a
> -L/Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib -larmadillo main.cpp
> but if I copy paste these flags and put them in :
> #+begin_src C++ flags : -I/Users/benoitbayol/libs/include
> /Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib/libboost_system.a
> /Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib/libboost_chrono.a
> /Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib/libboost_thread.a
> -L/Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib -larmadillo
> The compilation process with babel complains about a dylib
> (libarmadillo.3.dylib) which cannot be found with :
> dyld: Library not loaded: libarmadillo.3.dylib
>   Referenced from:
> /var/folders/xh/vvf5bjg15c3_rn5kdb4d2lk40000gn/T/babel-329218a6/C-bin-32921x5m
>   Reason: image not found
> In the /Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib folder I have
> -rwxr-xr-x   1 benoitbayol  staff     41592 28 jan 14:03
> libarmadillo.3.92.2.dylib
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 benoitbayol  staff        25 28 jan 14:03
> libarmadillo.3.dylib -> libarmadillo.3.92.2.dylib
> lrwxr-xr-x   1 benoitbayol  staff        20 28 jan 14:03
> libarmadillo.dylib -> libarmadillo.3.dylib
> I tried to fix my .emacs with (setq org-babel-C++-compiler "g++
> -L/Users/benoitbayol/libs/lib") but I doesn't work.
> Does anybody have an idea ?
> Thanks :)

Maybe it is just a miss-placed colon.
   #+begin_src C++ :flags -I/Users/benoitbayol/libs/include etc...
instead of
  #+begin_src C++ flags : -I/Users/benoitbayol/libs/include etc...

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