See the attached example file.  This is very rudimentary, only
supporting session evaluation and without support for smart translation
between Org-mode and Coq data structures.

See the attached example file.


1. Require supporting libraries.
   #+begin_src coq
     Require Import Bool.
     Require Import Arith.
     Require Import List.


2. Simple function.
   #+begin_src coq
   (* Check if a list is sorted *)
   Fixpoint sortp (l : list nat) := match l with
       a :: b :: rst => if leb a b then sortp rst else false
     | a :: nil => true
     | nil => true

   : sortp is recursively defined (decreasing on 1st argument)

3. Run the above function.
   #+begin_src coq
     Eval compute in sortp (1::2::3::nil)

   :      = true
   :      : bool
Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D

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