
Nicolas Goaziou <n.goaz...@gmail.com> writes:

> Hello,
>> Nicolas, what do you think of enhancing the auto-filling (and
>> delete-indentation) capabilities for some affiliated keywords?
>> #+HEADER:
>> #+TBLFM:
> Not that it matters much, but "TBLFM" is not an affiliated keyword per
> se, it belongs to the table syntax. OTOH, you can have "CAPTION" and
> "HEADER" keywords on top of almost any element type.
> Anyway, the three keywords are very different.
> To start with the one I know the most, CAPTION can have an optional
> value, and multiple caption lines can have as many optional values.
>   #+CAPTION[short caption]: long caption
>   #+CAPTION[short caption, continued]: long caption, continued.
> Therefore, filling it can be tricky since you have to pay attention to
> both values.
> Moreover, if the "short" caption is too long to fit on one line, that
> line still needs to end with "]:" to be valid.
>   #+CAPTION[very very ... long "short" caption]:
>   #+CAPTION[continued even here]: long caption
>   #+CAPTION: long caption continued.

This is something, that I had not thought about when I expressed my
wish.  I did not even know, that consecutive #+CAPTION lines could also
have consecutive short captions.  I see the difficulty here.

Usually, my votes are in favour of backwards compatibility.  So, I am
not too sure about this suggestion myself: But here an obvious
'solution' would be to move the short caption to #+SHORT_CAPTION.

I see that such change would bring its own difficulties besides breaking
the backwards compatibility.  Like what to do when there is a short
caption but no 'long' caption.

I am just continuing this discussion, as I do not have 'the occasional
three lines caption need' but the 'always multi-lines caption need'.  In
my opinion, images in an article/paper/thesis/... should tell their
story independently of the text referring to them.  So, my captions
tend to be (too?) long.
So, I would benefit a lot from whatever filling mechanism might get



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