Nick Dokos <> writes:

> Bastien <> writes:
>> The purpose is to be polite with minor modes and to not use
>> C-c [:punct:] keybindings, as recommended in the Elisp manual.
>> This is related to the issues reported here:
>> Here is a table to summarise the proposal:
>> | Key   | Command                           | Proposal         | Status |
>> |-------+-----------------------------------+------------------+--------|
>> | C-c # | Checkboxes                        | C-c x            | Free   |
>> | C-c ~ | Cooperation                       | C-c C-~          | Free   |
>> | C-c , | Priorities                        | C-c C-,          | Free   |
>> | C-c ? | Editing and debugging formulas    | C-c C-?          | Free   |
>> | C-c ! | Creating timestamps               | C-c C-!          | Free   |
>> | C-c . | Creating timestamps               | C-c C-.          | Free   |
>> | C-c ` | Built-in table editor             | C-c C-`          | Free   |
>> |-------+-----------------------------------+------------------+--------|
>> | C-c ' | Editing and debugging formulas    | C-c " or C-c C-' | Free   |
>> | C-c ^ | Structure editing, plain lists... | C-c C-^          | Taken  |
>> | C-c @ | Structure editing                 | C-c <            | Taken  |
>> The order is from the less problematic ones to the more problematic ones.
>> A few comments on the last three:
>> - " is not a punctuation character, I find C-c " instead of C-c ' good.
> On a QWERTY keyboard or Dvorak keyboard, " requires Shifting, so you
> have to switch horses midstream (first Control, then SHift). Not sure
> about anybody else, but those are the most problematic key sequences for
> me. I would much prefer C-c C-': you just keep the Control key pressed
> for the duration.

I agree that it's better if we can avoid letters needing a 'secondary'

Unfortunately, I think this wish is hard to meet when considering
several layouts.

For me the following keys need shift or Alt-Gr: ^, ", `, !, ?, and ~.


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