When `org-edit-src-code' fails to load the language mode, it leaves the buffer(s) in an unusable state. For example, evaluate

M-: (add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'paredit-mode)

Then C-c ' in this block

#+begin_src emacs-lisp

-> byte-code: Language mode `emacs-lisp-mode' fails with: "Unmatched bracket or quote"

That's fine. But now C-c ' doesn't work and M-x org-edit-src-exit claims:

org-edit-src-exit: This is not a sub-editing buffer, something is wrong


I guess, the source buffer and the overlay should be cleaned up. But since the worst that can happen is the language mode not loading correctly, maybe just downgrade the error to a warning?

Florian Beck

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