
I will give a 3 days training in Nantes on how to extend Emacs with
elisp. If there is interest I can talk also about org meta programming
with org babel. The training date is from June, 30 to July, 2. I will
speak in french (or English if everyone is comfortable with it).

The maximum number of attendees will be six in order to have a convivial
atmosphere and that no-one feels left out.

I feel that talking about coding is more fun while showing how to solve
concrete example. You are encouraged to bring material that you are
trying to solve. My goal is to show you how to make Emacs do what you
want it to do, while learning elisp programming.

The training cost is 1,800 euros (tax included). If you are an employee
in a french company you can use your OPCA to pay for it.

The following is the link to the web page outlining the training in
french :


I have translated it in English :

Presentation of the program:

 - open and use Emacs
 - understand Emacs Lisp
 - know where to find the documentation

First steps:

 - master text editor basics (copy, paste, etc...)
 - understand the structure of Lisp: code and data are the same
 - understand variables: explanation of the difference between global an
 - Understand the bases of Lisp: cdr, car and cons
Program with Emacs Lisp:

 - master operation on number, strings and list
 - master associative list
 - master logical operator if and cond
 - master looping such as while and dolist
 - master functions
 - know how debug: backtrace and edebug

If you are interested in attending, please contact 2i2l at
+33 02 40 3702 06 or format...@2i2l.fr

Take care,


To live is so startling it leaves little time for anything else.
    -- Emily Dickinson

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