On Thu, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:12 PM, Simon Thum <simon.t...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a server over which I sync my Org files and provide drops for other
> clients, chiefly iCal and vCard. Therefore I need non-interactive export.
> Things recently stopped working however, and although I acknowledge it is
> likely not Org's fault maybe here I can find somewone more into lisp to help
> me out a bit.
> In my logs I find, since it stopped working:
>> Evaluate this gnuplot code block on your system? (yes or no)
> Which stops the show, waiting for input. Emacs is started with -batch and is
> given an export script. This so far avoided such questions (from org-babel?)
> successfully. I have maxima blocks since ages and do not remember having
> seen this behaviour.
> Does naybody have an idea what could be going on?
> The machine does not even have gnuplot.

I don't think the machine matters so much as the source of Org/babel
thinking gnuplot *code* exists in one of your files.

Can you try something like this from the directory containing the
exported files?

grep -r "#+begin_src gnuplot" *

I would have suggested just tweaking the variable
=org-confirm-babel-evaluate=, but I think it's more important to track
the source of this down, as turning the inquiries off implies that we
all know exactly what's going to be evaluated, and this sounds like an
instance of something not only unknown, but a change on what you
believe to be a rather unchanged system, which is definitely

Good luck,

> Thanks in advance,
> Simon

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