Aloha Volker,

I don't use Clojure, but ob-clojure.el defines a header argument
:package. You should be able to do something like:

#+header: :package org-works.core

to execute code in that name space.


Volker Strobel <> writes:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to use org-mode with Clojure and already posted my problem at
> All my code blocks get evaluated in the namespace user, even if I evaluate
> the (ns ...) code block first.
> EXAMPLE ( in src/org-works of Leiningen project):
> -------------------
> #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle core.clj
> (ns org-works.core
>   (:gen-class))
> : nil
> #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle core.clj
> (in-ns 'org-works.core)
> (def a 5)
> : #'org-works.core/a
> #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle core.clj
> (def b 5)
> : #'user/b
> ------------------
> Funnily enough, it did work once for a few hours (i.e. the vars were
> declared in the namespace org-works.core), but then it stopped working.
> Now I tried to reinstall emacs 24.3 and follow all the instructions on
> Here are some further details of my system configuration:
> (M-x org-version: *Org-mode version 8.2.5h (release_8.2.5h-643-gd0ae56 @
> /home/pold/org-mode/lisp/*). I also tried to copy the content of the
> ob-clojure.el file directly to my .emacs.
> My .emacs only has a minimal content:
> (require 'package)
> (add-to-list 'package-archives
>              '("marmalade" . "";))
> (package-initialize)
> (defvar my-packages '(starter-kit
>                       starter-kit-lisp
>                       starter-kit-bindings
>                       starter-kit-eshell
>                       clojure-mode
>                       clojure-test-mode
>                       cider))
> (dolist (p my-packages)
>   (when (not (package-installed-p p))
>     (package-install p)))
> (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/pold/org-mode/lisp")
> (require 'org)
> (require 'ob-clojure)
> (setq org-babel-clojure-backend 'cider)
> (require 'cider)
> My installed packages are:
> (clojure-test-mode cider clojure-mode pkg-info epl dash
> starter-kit-bindings starter-kit-eshell starter-kit-lisp elisp-slime-nav
> starter-kit magit ido-ubiquitous smex find-file-in-project
> idle-highlight-mode paredit).
> Any ideas what's going wrong here?
> Thanks!
> Best, Volker
> Hi,
> I'm trying to use org-mode with Clojure and already posted my problem
> at!topic/clojure/lnZWUH4XxJM
> All my code blocks get evaluated in the namespace user, even if I
> evaluate the (ns ...) code block first. 
> EXAMPLE ( in src/org-works of Leiningen project):
> -------------------
> #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle core.clj
> (ns org-works.core
> (:gen-class))
> : nil
> #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle core.clj
> (in-ns 'org-works.core)
> (def a 5)
> : #'org-works.core/a
> #+BEGIN_SRC clojure :tangle core.clj
> (def b 5)
> : #'user/b
> ------------------
> Funnily enough, it did work once for a few hours (i.e. the vars were
> declared in the namespace org-works.core), but then it stopped
> working. 
> Now I tried to reinstall emacs 24.3 and follow all the instructions on
> Here are some further details of my system configuration:
> (M-x org-version: Org-mode version 8.2.5h (release_8.2.5h-643-gd0ae56
> @ /home/pold/org-mode/lisp/). I also tried to copy the content of the
> ob-clojure.el file directly to my .emacs.
> My .emacs only has a minimal content:
> (require 'package)
> (add-to-list 'package-archives
> '("marmalade" . "";))
> (package-initialize)
> (defvar my-packages '(starter-kit
> starter-kit-lisp
> starter-kit-bindings
> starter-kit-eshell
> clojure-mode
> clojure-test-mode
> cider))
> (dolist (p my-packages)
> (when (not (package-installed-p p))
> (package-install p)))
> (add-to-list 'load-path "/home/pold/org-mode/lisp")
> (require 'org)
> (require 'ob-clojure)
> (setq org-babel-clojure-backend 'cider)
> (require 'cider)
> My installed packages are:
> (clojure-test-mode cider clojure-mode pkg-info epl dash
> starter-kit-bindings starter-kit-eshell starter-kit-lisp
> elisp-slime-nav starter-kit magit ido-ubiquitous smex
> find-file-in-project idle-highlight-mode paredit).
> Any ideas what's going wrong here?
> Thanks!
> Best, Volker

Thomas S. Dye

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