On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 8:39 AM, Waldemar Quevedo
<waldemar.quev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> It is rather annoying that github understands the org syntax but not
>> quite, so the sources appear almost but not quite right.
> I maintain the parser that is being by Github =>
> https://github.com/wallyqs/org-ruby
> If you let me now the issues I can try to fix them, (or PRs are also
> welcome)....

Sorry I sounded dismissive.  You are doing an awesome job, it's
amazing how much it did get right.

My problem is that I am trying to share my sources as code, not as
documentation.  I would like my .org files to be treated as you would
treat Python code, shown as they are and syntax-highlighted.  If you
parse them you will inevitably miss the context I am relying upon to
render them properly (like when you ---rightly--- assume that html
should be left standing, but what I wrote expects a jekyll

People visiting the repository will most likely be interested in what
I actually wrote, not in its rendering as a document.  Close to what
you get when you select Raw, but syntax-highlighted.  This is what I
want the repository for; the document is somewhere else.

That said, the one place where the translation fails is when the
source code of babel snippets should not be exported.  Again, probably
due to the tension between the need to show the file's content and the
desire to render it as a document.

> I have this example
> where you can use `#+layout:` instead of YAML.
> https://github.com/wallyqs/yet-another-jekyll-org-template
> https://github.com/eggcaker/jekyll-org/blob/master/convert.rb#L30

Thank you for the pointer.



> On Mon, Feb 24, 2014 at 4:24 AM, Juan Reyero <joa...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Greetings,
>> I've solved a couple of bugs in the Leanpub[1] markdown exporter[2]
>> (cross-links within the book using ids were not working, and footnotes
>> containing a colon neither).  As far as I can tell using Orgmode and
>> Leanpub to publish books is now quite feasible, and produces rather
>> nice results.
>> I have also published the sources for my book, The Hacker Ways[3], at
>> https://github.com/juanre/hacker-ways
>> It is rather annoying that github understands the org syntax but not
>> quite, so the sources appear almost but not quite right.  Clone and
>> open in Emacs to see what's going on.
>> Best regards,
>> jm
>> --
>> http://greaterskies.com
>> http://juanreyero.com
>> [1] Leanpub.com is a very nice self-publishing platform.  I am not
>> associated with them, and they are not responsible for my code.
>> [2] http://juanreyero.com/open/ox-leanpub/
>> [3] https://leanpub.com/hackerways/


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