Hi everyone,

I'm having trouble exporting an org file  to html, or any html-derived
backends (deck, wordpress, etc).  I've attached a version of the
offending file but I've also narrowed the error down to one php source

/* Register SoundCloud shortcode
   -------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

add_shortcode("soundcloud", "soundcloud_shortcode");

 * SoundCloud shortcode handler
 * @param  {string|array}  $atts     The attributes passed to the
shortcode like [soundcloud attr1="value" /].
 *                                   Is an empty string when no
arguments are given.
 * @param  {string}        $content  The content between non-self
closing [soundcloud]รข EURO |[/soundcloud] tags.
 * @return {string}                  Widget embed code HTML
function soundcloud_shortcode($atts, $content = null) {


The error seems to be related to font locks, and I guess must have
something to do with php-mode somehow:

Wrote /home/matt/test.org
org-babel-exp process php at line 14...
org-babel-exp process php at line 26...
org-babel-exp process html at line 36...
org-babel-exp process php at line 41...
face-attribute: Wrong type argument: symbolp, (quote font-lock-constant-face)


Does anyone else have any suggestions?  thanks!

Attachment: test.org
Description: Lotus Organizer

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