Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> Andrea Rossetti <> writes:
>> ....
>> wanted to see the chronological history of all
>> the CLOCK intervals, i.e. no sums/aggregations
>> by day/week.
>> .....
> I don't think anybody has answered.  Just for information, you can
> achieve pretty much what you wanted using the agenda: "v c".  The clock
> view shows all clocked events for the particular period the agenda is
> displaying, whether day or week or year...  And it shows gaps if there
> are any during any given day (where the day start is customisable).
> I use this all the time.

Me too, from now on :-) Eric, sincerely thank you for
the directions. "v c", "v r" and "v l" are the commands
I was looking for. Kindest regards, Andrea

> In the same view, you can of course add in the clock report with "v
> r" if you do want aggregation.

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