"Stephen J. Barr" <stev...@uw.edu> writes:

> Hello,
> I have the following code block in an org-mode file:
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> #+CAPTION: Matlab Dynamic Programming Solution
> #+LABEL: code:matlab-outer-loop-reference
> #+BEGIN_SRC octave  
>   Normal_BuildT = realmax * ones(T, i_max, j_max);
>   for i=(1:i_max)
>       for j=(1:j_max)
>           Normal_BuildT(T,i,j) = compute_cell_final(i,j);
>       end
>   end
>   for t=((T-1):-1:1)
>       for i=(1:i_max)
>           for j=(1:j_max)
>              Normal_BuildT(t,i,j) = compute_cell(t,i,j, 
> Normal_BuildT(t+1,:,:));
>           end
>       end
>   end
> #+END_SRC 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> I am exporting this to LaTeX, which gives me the following code.
> See that there are tab characters inserted before the lines with 
> Normal_BuildT. 
> This is causing minted to render with these strange ^^I characters. 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> \begin{listing}[H]
> \begin{minted}[]{octave}
> Normal_BuildT = realmax * ones(T, i_max, j_max);
> for i=(1:i_max)
>     for j=(1:j_max)
>       Normal_BuildT(T,i,j) = compute_cell_final(i,j);
>     end
> end
> for t=((T-1):-1:1)
>     for i=(1:i_max)
>       for j=(1:j_max)
>          Normal_BuildT(t,i,j) = compute_cell(t,i,j, Normal_BuildT(t+1,:,:));
>       end
>     end
> end
> \end{minted}
> \caption{\label{code:matlab-outer-loop-reference}Matlab Dynamic Programming 
> Solution}
> \end{listing}
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> How do I disable this behavior?

Untested and not sure it'll work: (setq indent-tabs-mode nil) or perhaps
(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil) - in the latter case, you might have
to turn it on in specific modes. You will also have to restart emacs.


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