Hi List, 

due to the relatively frequent mismatches between language names
extracted from major-mode names and language identifiers used by
Org-Babel I try to build the definite translation alist between both

To avoid checking myself by hand what 

| M-: major-mode RET

really returns in all those modes, I would like to ask those who
actually use these languages for help. Here is the list of languages
that needs to be completed: 

| Language   | Requirements           | Identifier | M-: major-mode  | checked? 
| ABC        | abcm2ps, abc-mode      | abc        |                 |          
| Asymptote  | asymptote, asy-mode    | asymptote  |                 |          
| Awk        | awk                    | awk        |                 |          
| C          | none                   | C          | c-mode          | X        
| C++        | none                   | cpp        | c++-mode        | X        
| Calc       | none                   | calc       |                 |          
| Clojure    | Clojure, Clojure Mode, | clojure    |                 |          
|            | CIDER, Leiningen       |            |                 |          
| CSS        | none                   | css        |                 |          
| D          | D                      | D          | d-mode          | X        
| Ditaa      | ditaa (bundled with    | ditaa      |                 |          
|            | Org-mode)              |            |                 |          
| Dot        | dot                    | dot        |                 |          
| (Graphviz) |                        |            |                 |          
| Emacs Lisp | none                   | emacs-lisp | emacs-lisp-mode | X        
| Eukleides  | eukleides              | eukleides  |                 |          
|            |                        | (contrib)  |                 |          
| Fomus      | fomus (music notation) | fomus      |                 |          
|            |                        | (contrib)  |                 |          
| Fortran    | fortran                | F90        |                 |          
| Gnuplot    | gnuplot, gnuplot-mode  | gnuplot    |                 |          
| Groovy     | Emacs-Groovy-Mode      | groovy     |                 |          
|            |                        | (contrib)  |                 |          
| Haskell    | haskell, haskell-mode, | haskell    |                 |          
|            | inf-haskell, lhs2tex   |            |                 |          
| J          | J, j-mode              | J          |                 |          
| Java       | java                   | java       |                 |          
| Javascript | node.js                | js         |                 |          
| Julia      | ess                    | julia      |                 |          
|            |                        | (contrib)  |                 |          
| LaTeX      | latex, auctex, reftex  | latex      |                 |          
| Ledger     | ledger                 | ledger     |                 |          
| Lilypond   | lilypond music         | ly         |                 |          
|            | notation               |            |                 |          
| Lisp       | slime                  | lisp       |                 |          
| Make       | none                   | makefile   |                 |          
| Mathomatic | Mathomatic             | mathomatic |                 |          
|            |                        | (contrib)  |                 |          
| Matlab     | matlab, matlab.el      | matlab     |                 |          
| Maxima     | maxima, Common Lisp,   | max        |                 |          
|            | gnuplot (optional)     |            |                 |          
| Mscgen     | Mscgen                 | mscgen     |                 |          
| Objective  | ocaml, tuareg-mode     | ocaml      |                 |          
| Caml       |                        |            |                 |          
| Octave     | octave                 | octave     |                 |          
| Org        | none                   | org        | org-mode        | X        
| OZ         | Mozart which includes  | oz         |                 |          
|            | a major mode           | (contrib)  |                 |          
| Perl       | perl, cperl-mode       | perl       |                 |          
|            | (optional)             |            |                 |          
| Picolisp   | PicoLisp               | picolisp   | picolisp-mode   | X        
| PlantUML   |                        | plantuml   |                 |          
| Python     | python, python-mode    | python     |                 |          
|            | (optional)             |            |                 |          
| R          | R, ess-mode,           | R          |                 |          
|            | tikzDevice             |            | ess             | X        
| Ruby       | ruby, irb, ruby-mode,  | ruby       |                 |          
|            | inf-ruby mode          |            |                 |          
| Sass       | sass, sass-mode        | sass       |                 |          
| Scala      | scala                  | scala      |                 |          
| Scheme     | none                   | scheme     |                 |          
| Shen       | shen                   | shen       |                 |          
| shell      | a shell                | sh         |                 |          
| SQL        | an RDBMS               | sql        |                 |          
| SQLite     | SQLite, sqlite3, SQL   | sqlite     |                 |          
|            | mode                   |            |                 |          
| Tcl        | tclsh                  | tcl        |                 |          

Thanks in advance for every contribution.


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