
I sometimes use timestamps for scheduling, sometimes for logging things (manually and a few days later). It would be pretty convenient if one could define a preferred range of time for incomplete dates, instead of just prefer-future or default to current month or year.

It's 2013-12-25 and I want to schedule something for 2014-01-05 and add a "log timestamp" for something last week, 2013-12-20.

It would be convenient if entering "01-05" and "12-20" would do the right thing regardless of the setting of org-read-date-prefer-future.

This could be to prefer the closest date, but even more configurability would be added if a sliding range of dates along a year were preferred. For example, 9 months into the future and 3 in the past so that entering "9-26" would give 2013-09-26 and entering "9-24"
would give 2014-09-24.

I think something like this is reasonable as it might be more common to enter a date a few months back than one almost a year into the future.

I don't know if this applies as much to the case of only entering a day number though, maybe there entering "-x" covers the case of wanting to enter a date a few days back and preferring the future otherwise.

Perhaps this would add to much complexity to org-read-date, with little gain, and there may certainly be complications I haven't thought of, but I think it would be an interesting option for many people.

Anders Johansson

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