Dnia 2014-03-21, o godz. 14:07:58
Bastien <b...@gnu.org> napisaƂ(a):

> Hi Marcin,
> Marcin Borkowski <mb...@wmi.amu.edu.pl> writes:
> > what about adding #+HOMEPAGE (alongside #+AUTHOR and #+EMAIL) to the
> > metadata?
> What would it do?
> > What are the pros and cons?  (One argument against: default
> > LaTeX classes do not support this.  Any other?)
> Not sure what "supporting" means :)

OK, I was too vague - sorry.

What I mean is that quite often you want to include some kind of web
page in the titlepage, be it a LaTeX book/textbook/manual, Beamer or
reveal.js presentation etc.  The problem is, LaTeX does not have a
syntax for this (it is too old for that, apparently...).
Interestingly, Beamer doesn't have anything for that, either.  In
org-reveal, however, the "author" and "email" are just generic <h2>'s
(in fact, I fixed it in my config by adding them a "titlepage" class,
so that they can be different from <h2>'s on regular slides).

So the problem is: it would be (imho) useful to have a "homepage" added
to general metadata, but it is not clear how to translate this to e.g.
LaTeX's (rather ancient) concept of metadata.  (Interestingly, some
other classes, e.g. memoir, koma-script and titlepage, also do not seem
to cater for this need.  I'm going to ask on TeX.SE if there's any
class/package enabling putting a url on the titlepage...)  So while (I
assume) adding a #+HOMEPAGE field/option in Org would be easy, it is
not obvious how to render it for different exporters.


Marcin Borkowski
Adam Mickiewicz University

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