OK, org is awesome, but sometimes it drives you crazy.

I have just lost an hour this morning trying to figure out how to convince HTML export to open the exported file in Firefox, rather than Chrome.

I noticed that C-c C-e h o was running "sensible-browser," and after half an hour's completely wasted effort trying to understand the update-alternatives system, the only thing I know is that Chrome's priority in the system is 200 while Firefox is 40. That explains why sensible-browser is choosing Chrome. But I can't find any example of a command that will change the priority of an existing link.

So then I started poking around org options. I found that C-c C-o on an http hyperlink goes through browse-url, and I can configure browse-url-generic-program to Firefox, and C-c C-o does open such links in Firefox. Okay... but, C-c C-e h o *still* uses sensible-browser and opens it in the wrong program.

I opened the complete org manual (all on one page) and searched the page for "browser." There is NO help anywhere in this document about the browser to use for HTML export.

So then I found:

        (?o "As HTML file and open"
            (lambda (a s v b)
              (if a (org-html-export-to-html t s v b)
                (org-open-file (org-html-export-to-html nil s v b)))))))

And, looking over the definition of org-open-file, and realizing I've spent *a whole hour* on this problem that should be a simple matter of setting ONE option, I conclude... this is way too much of a puzzle. So I give up.

This should be a simple thing, so... can somebody please tell me a simple way to configure this?

(Yes, I am frustrated.)


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