On 2014-03-23 17:01, Marcin Borkowski wrote:
Hi list,

publishing doesn't work.  I guess that I broke something;).  May the
source and publishing directories be the same?  I have this in my

(setq org-publish-project-alist
        :base-directory "~/directory"
        :publishing-directory "~/directory"
        :base-extension "org\\|css\\|jpg\\|png"
        :publishing-function org-reveal-export-to-html
        :completion-function (lambda () (compile "make install")))))

The "make install" means just rsync'ing to a remote server.

When I "export" (C-c C-e R R) and then "publish" (C-c C-e P x) (or
"M-x compile"), everything is ok.  When I just "publish", changes seem
not to be pushed to the remote server, and I'm left with some *Org
export* process buffers.

My guess is that using *-export-to-html as the publishing function is
the culprit. There should/needs to be an org-reveal-publish-to-html
publishing function. I'm guessing the reason it works when you
manually export is that since the html file is up-to-date vis. the org
source, the code path bypasses that step (and just runs the completion

If org-reveal doesn't have a publishing function, try (not tested):

(lambda (plist filename pubdir)
(org-publish-org-to 'reveal filename ".html" plist pubdir))

BTW, org-publish has built-in support for pushing to a remote server.
You can use a tramp url as the publishing-directory, bypassing the
completion function.


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