On 2014-03-26 at 14:32, Esben Stien wrote:
> If I f.ex make a beautiful table in org-mode: 
> |-----+-----+-------+--------+-------------------------|
> | foo | bar | xyzzy | hukarz |                         |
> | qux |     | corge | grault | garply waldo fred plugh |
> | baz |     |       |        |                         |
> |-----+-----+-------+--------+-------------------------|
>  , it's not so beautiful anymore if I send it in an email.
> Is it not possible to force these spacings as space?
> I guess this is gnus fault, but I'm not really sure.

Looks perfect to me. I'm using fixed-width font in my email
client. Changing tabs to spaces won't solve bad looking tables because
most people use variable-width fonts. Nothing you can do about that.

You can also use mu4e and compose emails in an Org minor-mode
(includes babel and everything!) and convert emails to HTML when sent
(and include a plain-text copy too). I think that would be the best
bet of having a table look good to the recipient. See "Org Mode
Example" section at bottom of


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