Hi Charles,

> First, I have subsequent messages in this thread and the discussion.
> Should Nick's observation, that
>> IOW, it cannot tell the difference between a successful export and an
>> export failure with an already existing PDF
> also include the qualification that the existing PDF file is also opened at 
> the
> time of the second export? I base this on Francesco's example above and the
> following.
> I usually export a subtree to LaTeX as PDF file and open. If I make small
> corrections to the subtree and export again, AND forget to close the PDF file
> that is already opened from the earlier export, Org reports a successful
> export; however, the "revised" exported PDF does not exist. (Also I use
> EXPORT_FILE_NAME: in PROPERTIES as the top of the subtree.)
> If I remember to close the first exported PDF, the revised subtree exports OK.
> I'm just curious, does the problem exist iff the pdf, that is to be replaced,
> is opened?

You're observing the exact same issue I have. As you can see, in my
initial email, I wrote:

>>>> As an example, if you open the target PDF file with Adobe Reader and, in 
>>>> the
>>>> meantime, you export your Org file again to PDF, you'll see that Org will 
>>>> tell
>>>> you it's OK (Process Completed) while, if you look at the *Org PDF LaTeX
>>>> Output* buffer, you'll see an error such as:
>>>> ! I can't write on file `toto.pdf'.
>>>> [...]

To answer your question: yes, the problem exists iff the pdf, that is to
be replaced, is opened in Adobe Reader. In this particular case, the
problem comes from the fact that we do not catch *all* errors from the
log file.

Thanks a lot for your remarks.


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