Rick Frankel writes:

> On 2014-03-27 15:57, Marcin Antczak wrote:
>> I've attached patch below, but I'm affraid that there is something
>> wrong
>> with indentation.
>> I'm not sure if there is problem with my settings or just entire
>> ox-html.el is indented badly.
> Unfortunately, ox-html is indented with a combination of tabs and
> spaces, you can turn on whitespace-mode to see. I'm not sure why your
> saving the file has touched areas you didn't edit. Did you do a
> re-indent or have a whitespace-cleanup or convert-tabs-to-spaces hook
> turned on?

No. I didn't.

Why ox-html is indented in a way that doesn't follow guidelines
described on Emacs Lisp Coding Conventions?

Could we fix it?

>> My patch fixes HTML meta data produced on export by ox-html.el
>> 1. Meta charset definition should be set before title as document
>> title can contain
>> some unicode symbols etc.
> I believe this is the gist of your patch (bug fix?) -- putting the
> content-type declaration before the title (it's hard to tell due to
> all the changes in your patch)? If so, i don't see the need. Following
> is a sample org file w/ a unicode character in the title. It renders
> correctly on both internet explorer 9 and chrome 31.0.1650.63, the
> only browsers i have available right now. I believe that the meta
> content is parsed before the rendering, so the position within the
> header is irrelevant.
> #+BEGIN_SRC org
> ,#+TITLE: ☑ \gamma
> ,#+OPTIONS: toc:nil
> ,* Test utf-8 title
> Put  ☑ \gamma (checkbox and gamma) unicode characters in the title.

But it's still bug.

1. Most modern browsers fallback to UTF-8 currently.
2. Charset is often set by server content type.

So, this is why you can see your example rendered correctly.
But there could be a case where it will not render properly.

>From logical point of view - charset should be first. And it's in most
html frameworks such as HTML5 Boilerplate, Twitter Bootstrap etc.

>> 2. Added viewport declaration as described here:
>> https://github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/v4.3.0/doc/html.md
>> here:
>> https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/AppleApplications/Reference/SafariWebContent/UsingtheViewport/UsingtheViewport.html
> I don't believe it's appropriate to have as a default in ox-html as
> the current exporter makes no attempt at "responsive design". If you
> would like your exported documents to include it, you can use the
> HTML_HEAD_EXTRA property on a per-file basis, or customize the
> variable `org-html-head-extra'.


I'm working on some exporter that outputs HTML with Twitter Bootstrap.
I'll implement this 'viewport' there.

>> 3. Fixed unnecessary "\n" at the end of Description meta.
>> 4. Removed unnecessary spaces in meta tags.
> Are these bugs or simply stylistic cleanup?

3. This is a bug for me. Meta shouldn't render closing > in new line.
4. Stylistics.


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