Hi List,

I got a problem which is blocker for me and this is why I have to ask
here for help.

I would like to export some org to html with custom backend based on

What I need is to override function org-html-headline from ox-html.el

I just want to export drawer with some specific name. For example

So, I got this piece of code

(let* (clocktable (and (plist-get info :with-drawers)
                  (let* ((drawers (org-element-map headline 'drawer 'identity 
info nil 'headline)))
                    (mapconcat (lambda (d)
                                 (when (string= (org-element-property 
:drawer-name d) "CLOCKTABLE")
                                   (org-export-data-with-backend d 'html info)))
                               drawers "")))))

And this does what I need.... well not exactly.

This code returns drawer in html format.
Unfortunately it returns drawers recursively.

If my org file is flat then everything is ok.

If my org file is like this:

* TODO  No clocktable here
  Task with no clocktable
** TODO First clocktable
   CLOCK: [2014-04-04 pią 02:45]--[2014-04-04 pią 02:45] =>  0:00
   CLOCK: [2014-04-04 pią 02:45]--[2014-04-04 pią 02:45] =>  0:00
*** DONE First SUB clocktable
    CLOCK: [2014-04-04 pią 02:45]--[2014-04-04 pią 05:45] =>  3:00
    Sub clocktable here
** TODO Second clocktable
   CLOCK: [2014-04-04 pią 02:45]--[2014-04-04 pią 03:45] =>  1:00
   Second clocktable

Then in my task "No clocktable here " I can see all CLOCKTABLES from
children tasks.

Could someone help me to disable this recursion properly?


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