
I asked the question below a few days ago, about whether
`org-preview-latex-fragment` is sensitive document class options that
might affect alignment. I've so far not received feedback, and
wondered whether there is more information that I could provide, or if
my question is not interesting to other people :-)

Git blame tells me that the last commit relating to the definition of
`org-preview-latex-fragment` in lisp/org.el is fe939ec by Carsten on
22-03-2008. Who might I be able to poke directly with my question



---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rob Stewart <robstewar...@gmail.com>
Date: 6 April 2014 21:54
Subject: Is `org-preview-latex-fragment` sensitive to alignment
specified by document class options?
To: emacs-orgmode@gnu.org


Is there a way to make `org-preview-latex-fragment` sensitive to LaTeX
class options? I have a simple example to demonstrate where it does

#+LaTeX_CLASS: article
#+LaTeX_CLASS_OPTIONS: [fleqn]
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage{amsmath}

b := (a \oplus s_1) \oplus s_2 \\
e := 0 \\

If LaTeX is generated for this document with
`org-latex-export-to-latex`, which is compiled to a PDF with pdflatex,
the "b :=" and the "e :=" are left aligned i.e. the "b" and "e" are
vertically aligned.

However, if `org-preview-latex-fragment` is called within emacs, the
left alignment specified with the `[fleqn]` class option is not
honoured. Thus, the two lines in the `gather` block are centrally
aligned, which is the default case for `gather` blocks.

This is a screenshot of the PDF: http://imgur.com/YVRAlYP
This is a screenshot of the preview within emacs: http://imgur.com/S6BNm0K

So, is there a way to make `org-preview-latex-fragment` sensitive to
LaTeX class options?



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