
I posted something at the beginning of the week, and have received no
reply. If nobody had anything to say that is fine. But I notice that my
original post on gmane
http://article.gmane.org/gmane.emacs.orgmode/84707 appears blank, so
perhaps the no reply is due to a posting issue. Hence, I send the email


On 2014-04-08 at 03:03, Ken Mankoff wrote:
> I use links to files quite often in Org Mode. Either by C-l file: or
> drag-and-drop (with smart-dnd). But when files move, the links break.
> BibDesk solves this by storing Mac OS Aliases to files. Then if files
> move, the alias still works. BibDesk actually stores more:
>> The Bdsk-File entries store Mac OS aliases, which contain a file ID
>> and absolute path. Bdsk-File entries also store a relative path,
>> which is used if the alias is broken.
> Is there a way to add this feature to Org Mode? Yes, obviously, since
> this is emacs and Org Mode. But has anyone already done this? Any
> advice where to start?
> Thanks,
>   -k.

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