On 04/16/2014 12:28 PM, M wrote:
This is off-topic, but I hope that someone can give me some good advice:

TLDR version: I've decided to go with newsgroup rather than subscribe, and Thunderbird rather than GNUS.

have we established the following ?
3 routes:
 - subscribe to mailing list with your email address
 - simply view the newsgroup
 - RSS
Some apps:
 - Gmane website
 - MS Entourage
 - Emacs GNUS
 - Wanderlust
 - Thunderbird

It was right on topic for me, I was thinking about writing a similar question for the last week or so.

However, I don't think I'll make it all the way to mailing list sorcerer in one fell swoop.

I did finally get Emacs GNUS working yesterday (ugh, in January I decided it wasn't possible with my account), but I couldn't get comfortable in it fast enough. I'm tentative about subscribing, so I tried to learn how to be a GNUS _newsgroup_ sorcerer. But before I made much progress, I found mention that Thunderbird could operate as a newsreader, so I'm now using that, and it's nice enough for me, for now.

I would like to learn to better use GNUS at some point.


The extended version:

I was using almost exclusively the Gmane website, which was fine as it was easy to encounter during google searches, but it was not great for emailing the list. For one, it seemed to be double spacing my carefully crafted messages.

I do like the easy fashion in which I can star messages in Thunderbird, and I can take a gradual approach to the learning curve as far as controlling which messages I can see or exist, while using the beginner-friendly CUA style.

But now that I've achieved a vast improvement over using just the Gmane website, I will be reading carefully for set ups that work even better.

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