On 04/19/2014 11:33 PM, Bastien wrote:
Brady Trainor <algeb...@uw.edu> writes:

Was there a better way (outside of joining development of

PS: Joining forces for development always seems like a good idea :)

Of course, Bastien you have answered this question well in 2007. Link:


That is, I tried several things, and I'm ending up with pretty much the recipe you describe.

I can use icalendar.el to simply convert .ics files to diary format.

I can cut and paste between a diary and org-mode file if I want to. I can simply edit the .ics calendar from another app if I feel it's easier. I could even view the .ics file in Emacs with calfw-ical. I could compare these dates with plain text (diary and org-mode), calfw-ical, calfw-cal, calfw-org, and agenda-view.

I found the org-caldav too limiting in the syntax, as I'd like the freedom to use more diary sexp in my org files (won't allow times with diary sexp at this time). My use of org-mode is just to organic right now, so I prefer less restrictions by my use of .ics files. There seem to be many ical2org scripts out there, but I think I'd prefer at this point to just shoot for a cleaner break between .ics and Emacs formats.

I do find the conversion from .ics to diary to be sufficient, and will probably use this to empty out my .ics files from time to time and keep records in plain text diary format.

I think this is more or less a simple enough and effective system for my needs for now. And it should be flexible enough as well, if I want to try a different calendaring system down the road.


#+BEGIN_SRC dot :file ./gv/caldiagram.png :cache yes :cmdline -Tpng
digraph {
        { rank = same
        gcal -> ics [ dir = "both" label = "GCALDaemon (sync)" ]
        // owncloud -> ics2 [ dir = "both" ]
        // ics2 -> orgmode [ dir = "both" label = "org-caldav" ]
        // ics2 [ label = "ics" ]
        ics -> diary [ dir = "both"
                      label = "icalendar.el (manual)"
        diary -> agendaview
        // orgmode -> ics [ constraint = false
// label = "org-export-icalendar-combine-agenda-files"
                        // ]
        orgmode -> agendaview
        // diary -> calendar
        diary -> calfw
        ics -> calfw
        orgmode -> calfw [ constraint = false ]

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