Otto Pichlhöfer wrote:

> Neal Becker <ndbecker2 <at>> writes:
>> If I edit the latex, this will do what I want:
>> - Extend differential detection to exploit differences over different
>>   symbol intervals (spans)
>> \footfullcite{gpdi}
>> This adds a biblatex citation as a footnote on the frame.
>> How can I do this within emacs org?
> #+BEAMER_HEADER: \usepackage[style=nejm, url=false, backend=biber]{biblatex}
> the header works for me.
> Regards,

My problem is how to add the citation?

If I put
#+Latex: \footfullcite{gpdi}

Then the footnotemark (1) will appear on the start of a newline, not at the end 
of the previous sentence where it belongs.

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