Greg Troxel <> writes:

>   Exporting to ical as a single file took a really long time, perhaps a
>   whole minute, whereas it used to take a second to a few seconds.  The
>   resulting export did seem ok.

I timed this.  With 6161 lines in 14 org-mode files (about 2175 of which
are due to PROPERTIES/ID/END), doing a combined export took 88s of cpu
time.   emacs-23.4.1, NetBSD 6, i386, plenty of RAM, Core i5 2.9 GHz.
In contrast, starting up emacs and generating the agenda took 0.97s.

I noticed that TODO entries got exported multiple times, apparently once
for each inactive timestamp.  (I realize I need to prepare a minimal

>   I used to get an ID PROPERTIES entries for nodes that were exported to the
>   calendar, which was basically nodes that had an active timestamp.
>   But now I had a huge number of changes, adding ID to every node, even
>   those with no real content and just children.  Is this a feature?

Thanks for the comments; I see the point that this is hard..  For now,
I've just turned off uid storing, because I don't sync the exported
calendar, and I'll nuke the ID entries and properties drawers at some
point; I find them distracting when editing.

I wonder if there's some way to go back and store the UID when it
actually needs to be generated, so that UIDs are only stored for entries
that actually have been exported.  I only want to export appointments,
by which I mean entries with active timestamps, which are pretty few in
number compared to nodes.


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