Thanks Clément and everybody else for their comments/ideas.  I will go
through these carefully.

John Kitchin writes:

> It seems there are a lot of variants of citation handling out there! I will
> add to the list my own variants here:
> My citation needs
> are simple, I basically only use \cite{key1,key2} in LaTeX. And I only use
> bibtex, because I have not gotten around to anything else, bibtex works
> fine if your needs are simple (like mine).
> There is certainly duplication of some things, but the following are
> features in mine that I am not aware of anywhere else.
> 1. Integration with reftex. You type C-c ] and select keys from reftex and
> insert a cite link. If you type it again on a citation, the new entries are
> appended to the end. This current conversation inspired me to implement
> this!
> 2. Clickable cite links. If you have a citation link like
> cite:key1,key2,key3 you can click on key1 and open the bibliography file to
> key1, and you can click on key2 and have it open at key 2. This link would
> export in latex as \cite{key1,key2,key3}. Other cite formats, e.g. citep,
> citep*, etc... are defined too, but are relatively untested. You can also
> use completion to enter a bibtex key.
> 3. citation tooltips. If clicking is too disruptive, you can run a command
> and get a tooltip of the citation under point. If clicking is too tiring,
> you can turn on an idle timer that shows a tooltip if the cursor is on a
> citation.
> 4. clickable label links. clicking checks the buffer for another label by
> the same name.
> 5. Clickable ref links. Clicking on the ref:label takes you to the label,
> and provides C-c & to get back to that point. You can also use completion
> to get a list of labels in the buffer to make a ref to.
> 6. A bibliographystyle and bibliography link. The bibliography link opens
> the bibtex file that was clicked on.
> 7. Code to make a clickable list of figures and tables.
> 8. Code to extract the bibtex entries cited in an org-file to a text block
> at the end of the org-file
> 9. variables to point to a notes file and pdf directory, and functions to
> jump to your notes and the pdf file from a bibtex entry.
> 10. a function to build a complete pdf bibliography from your bibtex file.
> This is handy for checking the entries are spelled correctly, etc...
> 11. A little function and python script to upload a bibtex entry to
> citeulike.
> I have not tried to do much with anything but LaTeX, so these links are not
> likely to be that good for html or odt I suspect.
> Anyway, there are some very interesting ideas in this code, and I am using
> it on a pretty regular basis. Maybe some of you would also find them
> interesting/helpful. I look forward to see this continue developing!
> John
> -----------------------------------
> John Kitchin
> Associate Professor
> Doherty Hall A207F
> Department of Chemical Engineering
> Carnegie Mellon University
> Pittsburgh, PA 15213
> 412-268-7803
> On Sun, Apr 27, 2014 at 12:57 PM, Clément B. <> wrote:
>> > It appears to work for multicite for me. Or at least well enough. If I
>> > select multiple entries, I get this:
>> >
>> > [[ref:Author1:YYYY,Author2:YYYY,Author3:YYYY][()]]
>> >
>> > I can then easily insert the text I want into the (). It exports
>> > properly to LaTeX as \cite{Author1:YYYY,Author2:YYYY,Author3:YYYY}.
>> >
>> > Maybe most people multi-cite more than me, but I think it is only a bit
>> > of extra work to add what I want in the () and then it exports properly
>> > to LaTeX and, using the references-via-LaTeX, to ODT/HTML too!
>> >
>> >   -k.
>> The problem is that you can't link to a bibtex entry,
>> [[ref:Author1:YYYY,Author2:YYYY]] is not picked up by org search
>> function of `org-open-file`. And even if it was, it couldn't link
>> to several entries at once. So to preserve the ability to jump
>> quickly to a reference, I quite like the export filter approach,
>> which I was unaware of (thank you Thomas! ).
>> Clément

Julian Mariano Burgos, PhD
Hafrannsóknastofnun/Marine Research Institute
Skúlagata 4, 121 Reykjavík, Iceland
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