> I am working on it, but I have a question concerning strings and lists
> in elisp.
> In the function  org-babel-execute:R it says:
> ,----
> | (inside
> |                (list (org-babel-expand-body:R body params graphics-file)))
> `----
> I now want to convert "inside" to a comma separated string. I am doing
> now the following:
> ,----
> | (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" ", " (format "%s" inside))
> `----
> but this does not look elegant to me, as I am converting inside to a
> string and then do a replace. There is the function mapconcat, but I
> don't get it to work:
> ,----
> | (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" ", " (format "%s" inside))
> | "(     createOrgVariablesEnvironment(), plot(1))"
> | 
> | (mapconcat 'identity inside ", ")
> | "     createOrgVariablesEnvironment()
> | plot(1)"
> `----
> What am I missing?

The following should work.

  (mapconcat #'identity inside ", ")

If that doesn't give the expected result, maybe share an example value
of inside, with the expected results.


> Thanks,
> Rainer
>> As it needs to be sourced for each R process once, the right place would
>> be in  org-babel-R-initiate-session - correct?
>> What would be the best place to put these R files? 
>>> One lesson I've certainly learned from the Org-mode mailing list is
>>> that you can't anticipate all of the ways that your code will be used,
>>> so up-front customizability generally pays off.
>> OK - point taken - and I am definitely one of those users who thinks
>> about unusual usages of certain features.
>> Cheers,
>> Rainer
>>> Thanks,
>>> Eric
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Rainer

Eric Schulte
PGP: 0x614CA05D

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