Eric S Fraga <> writes:

> How do I specify the bibstyle for org-ref?

I am not sure if I understand your question correctly
and John certainly has more insight here, but I have in
my org document

#+LaTeX_HEADER: \include{ltxhdr}

and within that ltxhdr.tex I have among other config settings


I could have written several lines of 

#+LaTeX_HEADER: \usepackage[backend=bibtex,style=authoryear]{biblatex}
#+LaTeX_HEADER: \addbibresource{refs.bib}


There is no specific bibstyle of org-ref (correct, John?), that's the
job of latex, you will be happy if:

* your org mode has clickable citations links,

* let's you insert citations in a comfortably manner

* you can jump between refs and labels etc.

* all of those citations get exported to their latex

If for some reason your citations get exported to latex, say
cite:foo to \cite{foo}, but still don't appear in your
final pdf, than you have to tweek your latex settings,
obviously. - Maybe forgot to call bibtex(8) on your document?

I run these:
* an emacs batch script, tex.el to get the document.tex
* xelatex -8bit -shell-escape document.tex
* bibtex8 document
* xelatex document
  again, etc.

You can check your latex toolchain independently from
your org-ref config.


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